Vonnegut quote

Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone – Kurt Vonnegut jr 

Buen Ayre, restaurant review

Being a vegetarian is in some ways commendable, the reduced Carbon footprint for instance. But the downside is – no meat.

Whether you are herbivore or carnivore, fire is dangerous, okay? But the combination of meat and fire, well hats off to the furry and primitive Blumenthal who came up with that one.

Buen Ayre is found at 50 Broadway Market in hackney. It’s a small place where they put fire and meat together. It’s a little expensive for what it is, but the meat is fantastic. Great slabs of Argentinian beef blushing pink from modesty at how delicious it is. The wine list is good too.

The sort of place a cro magnon man or a gourmet would both be happy. I recommend it.

Food: 8

Service: 8

Ambience: 7

Value: 6

Total = 7.25

Location:E8 4qj

Sound advice

A collection of the best advice I have ever received:

  • ‘Always have your tea or coffee black when you visit someone’s house. People go to the fridge and drink milk straight from the carton’, a vociferous lunatic, speakers’ corner, Hyde Park
  • Boys, always marry an ugly girl, because she’ll never leave you – and if she does, you won’t care. A country and western song.
  • Be the change you wish to see in the world, Gandhi