Sunday, 31 May 2009 08:22

Without the hot air

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If you get annoyed by vague 'area the size of Wales' statistics then 'Without hot air' is well worth a read.  Professor David Mackay has done the calculations and provides detailed models for how Britain could become sustainable in terms of energy production and consumption.  A sunlit forest

There is lots of useful information in the book, all of it with a practical and pragmatic perspective.

Don't kid yourself that you can stop at switching your phone charger off and think you are doing your bit for the environment, for instance:

"All the energy saved in switching off your charger for one day
is used up in one second of car-driving.

The energy saved in switching off the charger for one year is
equal to the energy in a single hot bath."

Read it online here

Read 4545 times Last modified on Monday, 29 July 2013 17:49

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